Surprise! We’re pregnant!

So the cat is out of the bag….we’re pregnant with number 2!!!!  As I’m nearing the end of the first trimester, I’m so excited to be able to talk about this pregnancy.  

It all started with a dream.  Back in early November, I had a dream that I had a positive pregnancy test when I was 8 dpo, so I tested to find a negative.  We weren’t specifically trying, so I thought the dream was odd but I figured maybe there was a slight chance it was accurate.  Completely by chance, my husband and I sat down on what was 9 dpo to talk about starting to try.  We were excited to be planning unlike with our first who was a complete surprise.  For whatever reason when I woke up the following morning (10 dpo), I decided to test again.  I couldn’t get the dream out of my head.  To my surprise, there was a very faint line.  I was in complete disbelief (in no small part because the tests were over a year expired because they were from our first pregnancy).  To go from “yes, let’s start trying” to “we’re pregnant!” in a matter of days felt insane, especially since the positive came so early.  I was 3 weeks, 3 days….that’s so early to find out!

I wanted to wait until I had a more definitive line or maybe even until my missed period to tell my husband, but waiting is not my forte.  I get too excited when I have news or a present for him….I just want to share everything with him!  I made it 11 hours with this big secret which honestly was a lot longer than I expected to keep quiet.

Thus far, this pregnancy has been much tougher than my first.  I don’t know if it’s that I’m not in as great of shape as I was then, if it’s because I’m chasing a toddler around 24/7, or what, but it’s been hard!  The extreme, can-barely-keep-my-eyes-open exhaustion hit at 4 weeks on the dot.  My nausea has been out of control, and then this week (11 weeks), I’ve started vomiting which is just no fun at all.  B6, peppermint oil, sea-bands, and ginger have nothing on this nausea.  The bloating of the first few weeks was intense, and my husband was disgusted but impressed by some of my burps.  I also started showing MUCH sooner….like around 6 weeks.  By 7 weeks, I looked similar to how I looked at 19 weeks with my first. 

It’s fascinating to see and feel how different these pregnancies are, and we’re just getting started!  While I want to respect each pregnancy as their own, it’s hard not to notice and acknowledge the differences.  Regardless, I am looking forward to the next few weeks when hopefully the nausea will subside, and I’ll start feeling a little less out of it all the time.

I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my husband for the AMAZING care he’s taken of me the past few months.  It’s not easy to balance 12+ hours of work a day, training for triathlon, and taking care of everything around the house that your ill-feeling wife can’t manage….plus take care of that ill-feeling wife.  But somehow, he does it.  He is my superman, and I couldn’t be doing this without him. 

As with the first time around, we’ll be having a homebirth with the best midwife around. We don’t plan to find out the baby’s sex until birth.  Honestly, we plan to do everything exactly the same, but we know it will also be completely different.  That’s the beauty of life – as much as you can plan and predict, you never can never know exactly how it will pan out.   We are so thrilled for this pregnancy and our growing family!