Why Am I Starting A Blog?
Simply put, I want to. I’ve resisted this for a LONG time. So much so that out of loving support, my husband bought me a URL and a hosting service which I let sit for over a year without ever touching. I wrote for my high school and college newspapers, and I was very outspoken. This led to a lot of aggression toward me, and it honestly kind of shut me off to the possibility of starting a blog that would make me vulnerable even though I love to write. I had great ideas for posts, but I could just never sit myself down to write them (and now that I’m actually doing this, I’m kicking myself for not writing more of those ideas down). I always told myself no one would care, it has all been said before, and nothing I had to say was that revolutionary or transformative. While that all may be true, something has happened over the past year that URL has been sitting untouched that has made me rethink things – people have started asking me questions. People I know, people I don’t know, questions big and small, topics I know a ton about and topics I know less than nothing about. I realized I did things in my parenting journey that are a little out of the ordinary – I did CrossFit until the day before I went into labor, I had a homebirth, I exclusively pumped (not by choice but by necessity….but hey, it worked!), I cloth diaper, I use a salt stick for deodorant, and I have very few brand name cleaners in my home. People recognized that there are alternatives, and they were curious. I love to research and I love to help, so I took all these questions with joy, excitement, and some nervousness. I also think I was able to help some people through some exciting and some hard times. Motherhood is hard. It’s the biggest challenge and joy I’ve ever taken on. My goal here is not to solve anyone’s parenting issues or become the guru for any one facet of parenting. My goal is to share what I know, learn alongside anyone who chooses to join me (of which I expect there to be very few), and document in some fashion my life journey. Follow or don’t, ask questions or stay silent, cheer me on or tear me down – I’ll be here for it all.