imagination, fairy tale, creativity

The Truth

When is the last time you fought for something you believed in? 

Ok, cool, now when is the last time you disagreed with a conversation happening in front of you, and retreated without letting your voice be heard? To be kind, to be nonconfrontational, to be “respectful.”

Bet that second one has happened way more recently (and more frequently) than the first.  We live in a society that has taught us that being nice and being respectful equates to being agreeable and not making waves.  If you disagree with someone – no matter how civilly, respectfully, or gently you do so – you’re seen as full of hate. We’ve come to a point where one is not allowed to calmly and objectively state verifiable facts. We’ve come to a point where nuanced, complicated ideas are condensed into 280 character blurbs or memes. 

For a very long time, I’ve been afraid to be honest. In fact, I haven’t posted a blog in a couple weeks because I’ve been working on a topic that I know will have pushback.  I’ve been afraid to post. I tiptoe around controversial topics because I know there are friends and family who disagree. I avoid speaking to avoid conflict.  I just want to be nice.  I just want to be respectful.  I just want to be liked.

But is silence the way to do that?  Is it respectful to let Truth hide away for fear of hurting feelings? If we lose the ability to have true discussions and arguments, are we progressing?  If you turn the other way every time you disagree with someone, are we living the human experience? Conversations disappear and are replaced by small, meaningless chatter with little substance or purpose.

In a time when so many voices are forcibly silenced, I cannot allow myself to voluntarily do the same. No, I’m not changing my content; I’m simply going to be more unafraid, unapologetic, and unabashedly me.  You deserve it, and I deserve it.  You and I may disagree, and that’s ok. That’s beautiful. That’s where learning and growth take place. Changing your stance on something doesn’t show weakness, and change can only happen through discovery of new information.

I can no longer sit in silence. Let’s talk.


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